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You are to... > 04. Memory foam pillow, household appliances > Mattress > Visco Sensation Mattress ECO-V-150x190

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Visco Sensation Mattress ECO-V-150x190

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Visco elastic mattress Visco Sensation:

Devised by NASA, it was at the early '90s when it was given a household use. The visco elastic foam is a synthetic material ergonomically adapted to the body, eliminating any pressure point. They react to body temperature maintaining the natural position of the spine, providing adequate support of the column, reducing and relieving pressure points.


-Facilitates muscle relaxation and increases blood circulation. This effect eliminates the cushion pressure on the body, allowing keeping longer in the same position of rest.

-Visco elastic mattresses have two layers:

  a) The superior which the body rests, is the proper visco elastic b) below, is composed of high density foams (HR) and is responsible for giving firmness.

Tips and advice for the visco elastic mattress:

The most convenient to maximize its properties is to put up a slatted base with lumbar reinforcement.

They are mattresses that require low maintenance.

If you try to turn it around, you have to consider that these mattresses only have a useful side of use, and thus, you just have to turn them from head to toe.


Visco elastic: 6 cm / 80 kg / Density: 3m

Large memory effect

14 cm of Eliocel: 30kg / m3 density

Nonslip base

Packaging: 1box (vacuum packaging)

EU quality





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