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Imagen principal de Electroestimulator "Mini Tense" ECO-304

Electroestimulator "Mini Tense" ECO-304


The design of the "CompactTens ECO-DE" is based on principles of physics, bionics, bio-electricity, human engineering and is the result of a detailed research on development of high technology;

compact Tens is a sculptor athlete body device. Is controlled by a micro computer, equipped with 6 different methods of automatic processes for body sculpting. It can produce different frequencies and intensities of bio-pulse,which will stimulate the motor neurons of the body, and thus exercise the contraction of muscle and burn calories. The bio-pulses will eventually break down fats with excess calories.

Many professional athletes use this technology to keep fit. Now you have the opportunity to sit at home and enjoy the benefits of sculptor method body. Put the patch on the part of your body you want to exercise to get a perfect figure. You can also reduce and recover from back pain or cervical rigid among other diseases.


